Thursday, September 17, 2015

iOS9 News App

So I've been a terrible blogger lately. Or should I say for about six months now. But I'm striving to change that right now. I'm am going to dedicate time every week for a post. So I figured I'd start small with an updated feature from iOS9: the News App. 

I'm sure this has apps like Flipboard worried. The News App appears automatically on all devices that update to iOS9. When you open the app the first time, it allows you to choose from a wide variety of publications including CNN, USA Today, Sports Illustrated, Wall Street Journal, etc. Make your initial choices and start reading.

I guess mine is a little sports heavy right now. 

Once you're in the app, there are always ways to add more content. The News App breaks down content into channels, topics, or just browse on our own. Click to add. Pretty simple.
Quickly save your stories for later!

Another cool feature is the ability to save stories. When you are ready a story, simply tap the bookmark icon in the upper right corner to save your story for later. Of course, you can easily share stories via iMessage, email, or any of your favorite social media outlets. 

There are some obvious educational benefits from using News. First, all your stuff is in one place. There's no need to have students search for content on the web or download additional apps. As a classroom teacher, I would have my students subscribe to specific sources that fit what's happening in the classroom. 

For student safety, there is an option in the parental restrictions area to turn off access to the News App. 

I think this is a great addition to the iOS9 platform. I don't think I'll give up on other news apps yet, but I think they're time may be limited for me. Check it out for yourself.